Tuesday 4 September 2012

First lesson- 5th September 2012

In my first media lesson of sixth form, I learnt more about how I can learn in a group and how it benefits me personally. For example the group discussion at the start made me alert to any questions that I may have been asked, I also discovered that the teacher I have depends on my work ethic eg if I have a teacher that is easy to communicate with and that I like then I find that I concentrate more and try harder. The discussion at the start also helped me learn about the type of teaching that will happen this year, Mr. Croft wants the class to learn and apply their learning rather than just being spoonfed which I think is good because although I will have to work harder this year, it will benefit me in the long run against a different student who has just been spoonfed.
    This is also my first blog so I apologise if I did anything wrong sir! 

    Adam Roebuck 

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