Wednesday 12 September 2012

12th September 2012

Today we learned about different camera angles eg high angles and low angles
High angle- above eye level to make the person look small and intimidated
Low angle- below the eye level of the person to make them seem bigger and more intimidating and also more important
We also viewed a new film clip from the TV show primevil which had very bad animations in it. After watching the clip a number of times we discussed the subversion of masculinity and femininity in the clip and how the female is shown doing the usual masculine things for example using machinery, she also has to save the man from a tiger which is a subversion from a stereotypical fairytale.
We also looked at different camera angles and shots and how they can effect a situation, for example when the woman is driving the digger and the tiger appears, there are quick camera shots between her and the tiger which gives the impression that the situation is frantic. Also when the people are stood in a circle talking, the camera cuts to different people to emphasise the dilemma that they are facing. And finally in the barn scene at the end, it starts with slow camera angles to show the relaxed atmosphere but when the man pulls out a gun the camera shots get faster between the characters to show the intensity, and after the situation cools, the camera shots slow down and become more relaxed.
We also looked at instruments and how music can affect the situation. The woman driving the digger has a leitmotif which includes drums to increase the intensity which gives her the connotation of masculinity and dominance over her male partner. Another example of a leitmotif is Indiana jones, he has his trademark theme tune. We studied the difference between diagetic sound and non-diagetic sound.
Diagetic sound- people talking&natural sounds
Non-diagetic sound- background music & sound effects
Different instruments create different moods for example
Piano- love, sadness
Fast drums- intensity, drama
Harp- surreal, dream land
Bells- celebration
Lone trumpet- sadness, remembrance
Trumpets- heroic, triumph

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